Thursday, December 31, 2009
our christmas
So we had to do our christmas on the 26th cause steven wored from 350 am to a little after 6 on christmas so we just did it the next day. its good the kids are so little! so the girls got matching dresses from there grandma ronco and of course kayDee opened all of gracies presents to because gracie did it to slow! KayDee got a bike and glow sticks and my little pony dolls,(thanks aunt bran) and cloths, an aqua doodle, a mega block set (thanks grandma) a bunch of horses, which she still calls her cows, and a bunch of other stuff. gracie got chew toys, a my little pony (again thanks bran), dolls a sing to me bed time doll, a teddy bear and of corse cloths and a follow me crawler with cute little ducks on it. (thanks grandma) steven and i did car stuff for each other it was quite romantic. anyway we had a good day and went to see christmas lights after dark it was all in all a good christmas. here are some pictures
Saturday, December 19, 2009
so i did the most stupid thing and told a friend down here i knew how to make wedding mints. of course i really have no clue so i have learned. fast. So two days ago i made a trial batch and they where so good and they went really fast. thats a god sign right. So i have been up since 6 making 240 mints so far. I needed a break! but they are turning out really good and im really happy i wont disapoint anyone! Stevens job is going well is just going at this point, He loves what he is doing and says its way better than working outside in the cold trying to warm up glue with your armpits! So i dont know. The other day they had someone fallow him around to make sure he was understanding. Needless to say he felt under presur and messed up two big times! oh and he was suppose to go to work one day - had the wrong schedual. so they called him an hour into his shift and he took and hour ten to get there after that! he said he got there right at break time so everyone was giving him grief over it.Gracie is starting to crawl kinda. She gets up on all fours like she is going to go and then just pushes herself backwards with her arms and wont move her legs. Its so funny. We finnally got our first paycheck since october 29th so it has been a long time comming. but with christmas and bills of course its already spent. anyway we found out that every other month steven will work three sundays so he wont go to church on month and be there the next. but what can we do. we also fund out the day he was so late for work that his whole schedual is changed from now on so he will not be off from christmas to the eigth of jan except for two days and they are different week. Kinda screws up our plan to come home for my nephew Dyllan Blake wells s baby blessing. i was so sad. Any way just hadnt talked in a while thought i should at least write hi
Monday, November 30, 2009
KayDees 2nd birthday party
So it has been a crazy but supper fun weekend! Thanksgiving with tami's family and sunday was KayDee's second birthday! Wow how crazy im the mom to a two year old! Nothing like your kids age to make you feel good about yourself! so my mom mailed early KayDee's present and thankfully it got here in time! It made it saturday night! Oh speeking of saturday we went on a hike and of course my child wouldn't be my child without finding really the only cactase on the entire hill! It was awful we spent about half an hour trying to get all the thorns out of her foot shine and knee! It was so sad! But back to yesterday (KayDee's birthday) she had so much fun and we really got her to learn happy day to me (happy birthday) but the only part she sang is happy day to me! It was so fun then she came home from church singing beam beam beam From jesus wants me for a sun beam! I made her the cutest elmo cake and she loved it and blew out her own candels! It was so stinking cute! Anywho i am trying to explane pictures to so just bare with me!
Friday, November 27, 2009
I win the pole!
My sister brandee had her baby on mondaythe 23rd of November. He is a beautiful baby boy whom they have named dylan(prunonced DILLION) blake wells. But I love the spelling and he could not be cuter! I miss my family so much this year! Being married sucks! ha ha for those that understand I LOVE steven and I am starting to love his family! but I miss my family! alot! and really all of my extended family! even cousins! anyway thanksgiving was crazy but great! black friday suck been up since 5 15 and im tired! so excuse my spelling plus tonight i have a helper girl! Gracie is helping by putting her two cents in! there she goes again pushing buttons so i will post latter!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
We moved......but not where i thought we where headed!
We have moved to canon city colorado! kinda the wrong way from where i thought! We moved on November 1st and it ws two crazy days and a really crazy night but we got here in 13 hours. only 4 more than it should have. one u-haul and alot of miles plus my awsome brother and all his help really got the job done. Only three days into being here (that makes it the 4th of november) stevens dog that has been living with his mom for 3 years attaked KayDee after she tried to give him a hug! that really got everyone stired up and caused alot of contention for almost 2 weeks! that really helps living with the in laws! but things are getting better and we are starting to really enjoy the warm weather! steven just found out last night that he finally has a job at the gold mine here. Its an hours drive away and in a tiny "vegas" town of Cripple Creek but its a job that has awsome bennifits and a great heath plan. Its nice to be here with his side of the family and really makes me appritiate how close my family really is! thanks mom for always being there. Thanks to my awsome sisters for even when we do get in fights for most likely something i said you guys are still there to talk when i need it. Thanks Brandee for letting me have the chance to watch your kids and letting me get to know them so much. It really was a blessing to me and i need you to know i really miss those days and being with your kids! ok sorry for the bawl fest.. KayDee will be two in 8 days! Its crazy to me to think I have a two year old. she sure keeps me on my toes. Gracie is just starting to crawl everwhere. last night she climbed over her dad and across half the couch to get to me. It was so fun. KayDee is still way to helpfull when it comes to gracie and feeding but its fun to watch your kids interact even if it causes a mess sometimes. well i think thats all the new updates i have for now but hopefully i will update alot more now that we live with a computer.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
so lets try and catch us all up
Ok so let's start with april 5th my grandpa rigby died and it was kinda hard for me cause he was really the only one on my dads side that still talked to me so ya tat was a weird funneral. Then on may 1st was my first time really away from kaydee. Steven went to idaho falls to play with some freinds and I needed to stay home for something but KayDee wanted to go with her dad so I stayed at home all alone for two days they came home at 245 on the 3rd and those where some good times alone. I cleaned a lot. Then on june 10th I went to my appointment in pocatello and was 4 cm and he told me "k I will give you till the 14th and then I want to check you and I will start you on the 15th so good luck". I was so scared. I really didn,t want to be started again. So I came home and litterally tried everything. Nothing worked. Then on the 11t when steven got home from work I was really crampy so I talked to him about it and he made me call the emergency number dr robbinson had given me. I felt so stupid. But I got to bear lake memorial and was dialated to a 5 and totally effaced so he sent us on our way. I had to have my rachel get the meatloaf out of the oven and mom come into town to get KayDee, good thing all of our bags had been in the car for a couple weeks. Anyway I had gracie after 18 hours of labor and 20 min of hard pussing, an 8 pound even baby girl 21 inches long and unfotuantlly not at all like her sister. She does not know how to sleep. Getting better now but not really. On july 2nd me my mom and my aunt michel went to the coolest concert of my life'THREE DOGS NIGHT' they where so amazing and it was so cool to be there.the fourth of july stevens family was down and we did the praid and then the lake. On the 5th we blessed Gracie Elizabeth Ronco so that steven's family could be here. Then on July 15th stevens grandma died. She was 96 and it was the greatest thing for her to go. It was such a hard funeral but it was a good one to. So that ment 5 days in colorado that we where really not planing on. We had to be out of our bern house the day before her funeral so that ment once again a rushed move for me. Oh ya and a final note. The house we moved into has had 2 bats countless mice ans tons of snakes inside since we moved here. Who wouldn't want to be me???
Monday, April 6, 2009
Vacation to Colorado
March 11th though the 21st We decided to go spend some time in colorado with Stevens mom and dad. It was so nice and warm the whole time and we had tons of fun acually being outside and playing on the grass. One day while we where there we decided to go and feed these ducks at the local park and KayDee was so affraid of them. It was so funny to see her try and back over dad just to get away. This is the first duck she acually tryed to feed by herself and as soon as he took it from her she started to scream so loud that it scared them all away. So then she laughed a little, but not enough to try to feed them again. it was great. We are home again and everything is moving fast. We started to look into buying a house and decided the same day someone else did to buy the one we are living in, in Bern. so waiting in lingo we are stressed out a little but we know that things will happen no matter what we really want so we are just hoping that this option comes through. I am getting bigger everyday and KayDee is i think starting to get that there is a baby in there and mom's just not getting fat. The other day we (KayDee and I) where taking a nap together and the baby kicked at her. She sat up so fast and started to yell at me "No No No" and then hit my tummy. It was so funny that i could not help but laugh even though i know i will regret it latter. Ha Ha Ha
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