Wednesday, January 20, 2010


so last night steven and i finally got KayDees big girl bed up and ready for her to use. It was so funny to watch her come in and see it for the first time. She knew they where her sheets and she was so excited. She did awsome in it. She wanted to get out (and well jump out i should say) and play for about twenty mins. But when we told her to go lay down she went and laid down and stayed there all night! IT was so amazing.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finnaly I caught her crawling!!!

Yes i know i have told you that gracie crawls like a turtle and now here is proof! For one time she didnt stop as soon as i pulled out the camera! Its so funny hope you all injoy it as much as we do!

Gracies 7 month photos

These where just a few of the fun ones we took that day! It was so cold!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ok so i like the colorado sun!

so its jan 12th and steven the girls and i all went out and played in the 64' weather today! with no jackets and gracie didnt have shoes on for part of the time! It was still cold enough when the wind blew that it was nice to have the jackets in the car. but still there is no snow! Gracie is 7 months today and its so sad. i just realized today that she is no longer concidered a baby. she is crawling of course everytime i get the camera she stops and acts like she has no clue what she was doing. Oh how it makes me mad. anyway they are both getting big. Today kaydee was ridding her bike everywhere and i cant wait to get her really going. anyway just thought i would rub it in that colorado has no snow and 65' weather now. this is why its ok.. anyway here are pictures of our day

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is so cute kaydee was singing happy birthday to her day! sorry thats all i caught!

Happy birthday Steven

So today is stevens 25th birthday and if you ask me aparently just telling him he is twenty five made him grow up fast! we celibrated his birthday yesterday because once again he has to work today and tomorrow! we had to run to pueblo to get steven drivers license and so we did that in the afternoon! steven and i have been trying to lose weight so we made a deal that the first one to lose there twenty pounds wins 300 dollars, i am going to win just so i can go home once!!! that would be all i will do with my money cause i am totally going to win this! steven has to work all the time so when can he work out. NEVER. so i will keep you all updated as well and who knows this could turn into something more! anyway so we are still car serching. if anyone had told me how hard finding a car would be i don't think i would have ever wanted one. You have to find one that gets great gas millage so i can go home alot. and one that has enough back seat space for 2 car seats and a persons but and now steven thinks we should get a standard cause they get better gas millage. so any suggestions would be much appritiated.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow day

sorry i told my mom that two days before christmas it had snowed down here enough that kaydee had gone out and played in it. she wanted to see pictures and so even though it was two weeks ago here they are


So today was up in the high 40's so KayDee and i decided to go out and injoy the warm. We went on a walk in the mountains and we played in the yard and for anyone who knows me i always have my camera on me so here are pictures from today! oh ya and a few from this mornings bath. As you can see Gracie still has her rash from teething and kaydee is having tons of fun! i love my kidos!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new year

so the big deate over wether or not to call it twenty ten or two thousand ten. Well my opinion is lets just call it 2010! ha ha ha! anyway no this year atarted with quite a bang> Gracie woke us up at 12:08 with a 104.3 fever and was litterally red hot. i was so scared. I forgot the fact that while stevens parents are atill here we have two presthood holders in the house at all times. So we woke stevens parents up at 1:20 to give Gracie a blessing and about 6 am the fever finally dropped. It was such a scarry night. And no its not teeth yet and so we really don't know why she fevered out. anyway i missed the roberts family get together and called the house and was passed around in the circle and got to talk to alot of family. My nephew dylan blake wells will be blessed and i am so sad i wont be there. i will be so excited for next month cause we are for sure going home while steven has his 7 days off. at least thats the plan as of now. but either way i need to go home soon. Colorado is driving me nuts. hope everyone had a great new years and tons of fun for the twenty ten year.